Monday, 30 May 2011


Humour is universal. This I came to think of last week when we did lots of different corporate gigs. The audiences varied from young to not so young, from Finns, Swedes, Canadians, Turks to Germans and Brazilians, from leaders in high positions to people in not such high position, from big international companies to small Finnish companies, from big parties with 500 people to small ones with 40 people, from cocktail parties to a five-course dinner party.
The client is often concerned about that the audience wont understand our humour. Because they are from abroad. Or because they are not that international. Or because they are older. Or because they are rich or poor or whatever reason you can think of.

What we need to know before we make our list of song is - how long is the set? how big is the party? is the audience sitting or standing? how long has the party been going on before we perform?  The rest doesn´t matter. We don´t sing differently because the people in front of the stage are Italians. We have never experienced that our humour in the speaks between the songs would have to be different because of any of the reasons above.
We all basically laugh at the same things. Humour is universal.
But the sense of humour can vary quite a bit...

No humour in this picture. Only some serious rock-n-roll business going on.

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