Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Crazy Brazilian

Back in Helsinki. Today we have the morning off and that means that Kasper is probably wall climbing, Anna is doing some dubbing for an animation, Jonte is working on some of the material from our upcoming new album, Greg is mixing that same material, Linda is writing one million e-mails and I am washing my clothes. And then later on today we will meet for sound check, make-up and gig. All fresh and new.

Today I want to introduce you to the Crazy Brazilian. The thing is that there are times when we are put in front of a camera, for a newspaper or just someone who wants our picture. And it´s not always the easiest thing to look natural and cool in a picture, especially backstage when you are kind of out of character. Sometimes the smiling just doesn´t come natural and we only look stiff and uncomfortable.

A friend of mine heard me complain about this and he introduced me to the Crazy Brazilian:
When you are in front of the camera, smile as much as you can, really feel the madness in the smile, it should even hurt a bit in your face if you are doing the smiling right. Feel like a crazy Brazilian. And in the picture it will look really natural and good. It is magic. Check out the pictures below: the first is just us trying to look nice, the second is the Crazy Brazilian.



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