In the evening we had a gig at DTM, I think the best place in Helsinki for club gigs. And it was crazy! Hot, sweaty and loud. Anna looked like a million dollars in her new clothes, Jonte almost didn´t make it back to the stage after his tour in the audience in Pokerface, Kasper was flirting heavily with the audience and they right back at him, and I did not make a fool out of myself in my stilts. The audience was the greatest - loud, happy and dancing. At some point the screaming was reaching such decibels that it wasn´t safe to take out the ear monitors anymore. We Love That!
Happy people right after the DTM gig.
On Saturday we had a private gig. In our raider it says that the customer should provide the band with a meal. And oh what a meal! Sometimes it´s easy to forget that you actually are working...
Unfortunately our Paradise Oskar didn´t win the Eurovision contest but today, Sunday, I am holding my breath for the Finnish hockey team! Yes we can!
You all look so happy! Hope i would have been there time then. And YES! for Finland tonight :)