Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Truth!

This morning I was confronted with Brutal Facts. As I had my morning coffee I listened through the material for our upcoming Pink Noise Live album. 13 tracks of live singing. 13 tracks of us going oioio, uhuh, nanan, chukachuka, dingding and where our wonderful sound wizard Greg does magic with his fingers twisting my oioiois into something nice and cool.
And then there were my solos. And I am thinking No, that´s not me. I don´t sound like that. Do I sound like that? Why haven´t anyone told me I sound like that??!! This is the brutal facts-moment. You see, in my head I sound different, even if I have heard myself hundreds of times recorded I never get used to it. I am not saying it sounds better or worse but sometimes unawareness just makes you a happier person.

When I listened through the material for the third and fourth time I was able to focus on the whole. Many things sound so different from what I hear in my ear monitors on stage. We all have our own personal ear monitor mixes where you only hear what you want to hear and I usually have my colleagues sweet clean voices in mine, it helps me to stay in tune. So now, being able to listen to the whole of the song is great! And I must say that the record is not bad. Not bad at all.

               Leftovers from our press conference. Anna, me and the watermelons.

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