Yesterday we had a technical run-through and final rehearsal for Edinburgh with our light guy Tobias and our video guy Henrik. And of course Greg on the sound. Tobias and Jonte, who were in Edinburgh a week ago to check out our performing space at the George Square Theatre, have been doing some excellent work on planning how we are going to do the show there. Still there are many things that are impossible to decide before we are on location. This is quite nerve-wrecking... We have now made plan A, plan B and plan C. Just in case. And I am sure we will be using plan D in the end. There are always things you cannot predict. But this is kind of the thrill of it and will give us all some long wonderful sleepless nights...
Today we are doing the set list for Saturdays gig at Popkalaset in Ekenäs. It´s going to be a great way to end this season and start a few weeks of vacation! I just checked the weather forecast for the weekend and let´s just hope they are a bit wrong in their prediction. We want sunshine!
Tobias, Henrik and Jonte. Planning.
Hej alla! Har bott här i vackra Skottland en himla massa år, är fotograf och jobbar mycket med föreställningar och artister under festivalen, så känner den rätt väl. Er show ser jätteläcker ut (har kollat in er show-reel) och det är alltid kul med påhälsande nordbor. Så behöver ni hjälp, tips eller inside info inför er Edinburgh-show, så säg bara till :) It´s all about Neighbourly Love...
ReplyDeleteHoppas ni får en härlig tid här i augusti
Hej Krissi! Tack för kommentaren, alltid roligt med tips och hjälp av nån som känner till festivalen. Hoppas vi ses i augusti!